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Hi there, I have a 1989 Cheverolet Beretta GT (2.8 v6 efi) which suddenly manifested what appears to be an electrical problem of some sort. The engine at idle is very rough, and has a tendency to idle at about 1500 rpm or higher and is very "lumpy" (like a cylinder or 2 is missing). Also, the speedometer is malfunctioning, wavering between 5-15mph when traveling at freeway speeds. I have checked the fuses and they appear to be fine, (apart for one that is missing from the "M.A.F" slot?). The problem seems to be intermittent at times, though is becoming rapidly worse. What do you think is wrong, and what course of action do you recommend? If you require further information to make suggestions, I would be happy to supply you with details. Thanks! Terence




I would suggest a computer scan and engine analysis. If nothing turns up request that the vehicle ECM be tap tested.

Silverado Auto Service